New Players 2025
As at 21/3/25 we have 83 Registered players with more to come. Obviously with 4 sides this year we need to have as many as possible.
We have many Clearance Applications coming into the club and also a few leaving.
I wish to welcome everyone that has joined the club for season 2025.
Clearances In | Club From |
BEGGS Lachlan | Port District |
BRAUER Dion | Berri |
COBBELDICK Adam | Tanunda |
CRELLIN Simmon | Rovers CAFL (Alice Springs) |
FIELDING Conor | Glencoe (Mid South East FL) |
FRENCH Charles | Adelaide Lutheran |
HAHN Joshua | Waikerie |
HAHN Mitchell | Waikerie |
JOHNSON Toby | Renmark |
JONES Flinton | Lockleys |
KELLY Will | Wentworth NSW |
KOEHNE Caleb | Loxton North |
KUDRA Alex | Loxton North, Walkerville Junior |
MESSENGER Liam | Adelaide Lutheran |
MILLER Kai | Loxton North |
PICK Tom | Banks (NTFL) |
QUINTON Thomas | South Clare |
RAWNSLEY Brae | Walkerville Juniors |
RIVANDI Edwin | Central Augusta |
ROBERTS Kale | Eastern Rangers (Cleve) |
RYAN Oliver | Imperials, Mildura |
SIMS Noah | Glenelg |
SLADE Benjamin | Tanunda |
SMART Lachlan | Eastern Rangers (Cleve) |
STEPHENS Lachlan | Loxton North |
STRATFORD Elijah | East Gambier |
TURLEY Connor | North Broken Hill |
VANDELEUR Brock | S.H.O.C. |
WEBB Matthew | South Augusta |
Clearances Out | Club To |
AXON Ryan | Paringa (Murray Valley FL) |
BOOTH Blake | Dampier Sharks, W.A. |
HICKMAN Ayden | CMS Crows (Yorke Peninsula FL) |
McKENZIE Rhys | Southern Mallee (Wimmera FL, Victoria) |
PHELPS Matthew | Cummins Kapinnie |
RICHMAN Nash | Nyah Nyah West United, Victoria |