National Volunteer Week

26/5/2024 🌟 It’s National Volunteer Week! 🌟

At Walkerville Netball and Football Club, we are incredibly grateful for our amazing team of volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to make our club successful. Whether it’s the coaches, umpires, committee members, parents, or the fantastic folks running the Bunnings barbecues, your efforts do not go unnoticed.

To all those who brave the elements on a wintery Saturday, and to everyone who finds time amidst their busy schedules to help out: THANK YOU! Your hard work and commitment are the backbone of our committee.

A special congratulations to Dennis Schlein, winner of the @townofwalkerville Mayor’s Choice Award for his voluntary service to @walkerville_football_club. Mr Schlein has been the Secretary of the Walkerville Football Club for 30 years over two stints, devoting his life to the service and success of the club.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank all of you!πŸ’™πŸ€

#nationalvolunteersweek #volunteering #volunteersweek

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